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Hangfire.Pro 2.3.0

It is now possible to add batch continuations with new OnlyOnCompletedState and OnlyOnDeletedState options. The BatchContinuationOptions enum now allows to specify multiple values, so it is possible to mix different options to create a continuation that fire in multiple cases. For example continuations with OnlyOnSucceededState | OnlyOnCompletedState option specified will only be executed once antecedent batch is either succeeded or completed – but not deleted, e.g. canceled.

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Hangfire.Pro.Redis 2.8.9

This maintenance release adds more logging only, but now almost every exception that occurs inside StackExchange.Redis package is logged with the DEBUG log level. So internal errors can be tracked now much faster than before.

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Hangfire 1.6.30

Maintenance release for 1.6.X branch with some fixes backported from recent 1.7.X versions, including a fix for possible connection leak in Hangfire.SqlServer when an exception is thrown while releasing a distributed lock.

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Hangfire.Pro.Redis 2.8.8

This is a maintenance release that increases reliability after failovers when using older Redis version with asynchronous replication enabled.

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Hangfire 1.8.0 Betas

Hangfire 1.8.0-beta2 and beta1 recently released. The new versions bring a lot of improvements to create more complex workflows with new continuation options, improve role of the DeletedState that now has its own exception information and displayed on graphs when supported by an underlying storage, bring more methods for underlying abstractions to reduce the number of round-trips to a storage and other features as well. Also this version has better defaults for Hangfire.SqlServer package, and sliding invisibility timeout option will now be used by default.

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