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Hangfire 1.7.25

Maintenance release that bumps dependencies in Dashboard UI to the latest patch versions, fixes exception when trying to add a continuation for an already expired job when using Hangfire.SqlServer and contains other minor tweaks.

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Hangfire 1.8.0-beta3

This beta finally adds the Queue property directly to a job and adds all the required overloads to BackgroundJob, RecurringJob classes and IBackgroundJobClient and IRecurringJobManager interfaces to specify queues dynamically at run-time and preserve them between retries. Dashboard UI is now implemented in full-width, so long method names are no longer a problem.

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Hangfire 1.7.24

This is a maintenance release that adds support for async authorization filters via the new DashboardOptions.AsyncAuthorization property, contains small improvements for the Dashboard UI and stops using readcommittedlock table hint when not required in the Hangfire.SqlServer package.

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Hangfire.Pro.Redis 2.8.10

This maintenance release forces Hangfire.Pro.Redis to always use dedicated threads for reading Redis responses, even on Windows where IOCP threads were used by default. This will help to avoid slowdowns and timeout exceptions when all IOCP threads are busy or blocked by user code. This change is made because System.Net.Http.HttpClient package began to leak IOCP threads to user code, starting from one of the recent versions.

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Hangfire 1.7.23

Maintenance release that resolves the NotImplementedException exception in the EnlishPromotableSinglePhase method when running on Mono, makes IdempotentCompletionAttribute work regardless of the current serializer settings and also fixes some other minor issues.

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