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Hangfire 1.7.8

This version contains improvements for recurring jobs, support for Microsoft.Data.SqlClient package, experimental ability to use background job results in continuations (after calling the IGlobalConfiguration.UseResultsInContinuations extension method), even better integration with .NET Core 3.0 and bunch of other fixes.

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Hangfire 1.7.7

This is a maintenance release that contains useful enhancements for Dashboard UI, support for command batching even in .NET Core when using System.Data.SqlClient 4.7.0 and higher, support for the Microsoft.Data.SqlClient package in Hangfire.SqlServer (postponed to 1.7.8) and other minor changes.

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Hangfire 1.7.6

This is yet another maintenance release with added support for dashes in queue names (thanks, @augustoproiete), better recurring job error messages in Dashboard UI and some other useful fixes.

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Introducing Hangfire.Throttling

The new Hangfire.Throttling package released today. It contains different concurrency and rate limiters that will help to reduce the load on external resources like databases or third-party services. All of these limiters work without forcing workers to wait until a throttling condition is satisfied, by delaying or deleting a job, so all the workers are free to process other jobs.

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Hangfire 1.7.5

This is a maintenance release that provides better handling of recurring job scheduling errors, clearly shows when there are problems with fetching statistics in Dashboard UI (thanks, @prochnowc!), doesn’t infinitely caches IBackgroundJobClient and IRecurringJobManager instances that throw JobStorage.Current is null exceptions, and also adds the AddHangfireServer overload with options-based callback.

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