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Hangfire.Pro 2.2.2

This is a maintenance release that fixes serialization exception when trying to create a job continuation for batch in a batch continuation, disallows caching “JobStorage.Current is null” exceptions and let us to configure maximum number of entries for final batch state lists.

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Hangfire.Pro.Redis 2.6.2

This release is unrelated to the previous ones and fixes wrong behavior when non-recommended max-memory policy is used in Redis, such as volatile-* one. I still don’t recommend to use other than noeviction policies, but at least the following case is handled better.

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Hangfire.Pro.Redis 2.6.0 & 2.6.1

The new version brings a lot of improvements to the internal implementation of Hangfire.Pro.Redis itself and its underlying Redis client – ability to use multiple connections within the same storage, improved request/response processing pipeline, TLS 1.2 enabled by default for encrypted connections and other improvements and fixes.

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Hangfire.Dashboard.Authorization 3.0

The new version contains authorization filters based on the non-obsolete IDashboardAuthorizationFilter interface appeared in Hangfire 1.6.0 (so it doesn’t work on previous versions), adds support for custom crypto-providers for Basic Authentication and fixes issues with wrong AssemblyFileVersion attribute.

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Hangfire.Pro.Redis 2.5.2—2.5.5

These versions contain important fixes for Redis-based job storage implementation, including better handling of fail-over events in clustered environments, reduced number of timeout exceptions and better reliability for distributed locks.

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