Maintenance release with the new AutomaticRetryAttribute.ExceptOn property to skip retries for specific exceptions, improved loopback address detection, fixed localization-related issues, fixed build failure with the build.bat command on first restore and decreased pressure on Garbage Collector.


  • Added – New AutomaticRetryAttribute.ExceptOn property to skip retries for specific exceptions.
  • Changed – Refactor filters pipeline to use less LINQ magic and fewer allocations.
  • Changed – Use GetCultureInfo instead of creating an instance in the CaptureCultureAttribute filter.
  • Changed – Cache some immutable data to avoid extra allocations.
  • Fixed – Improve loopback address detection (by @meziantou).
  • Fixed – Reformulate misleading error messages regarding retry timings (by @RGFuaWVs).
  • Fixed – Problem with missing localizations in the previous version.
  • Fixed – Don’t hide exception details on Failed Jobs page when the exception message is empty.
  • Fixed – Problems with the first restore when using the build.bat command.
  • Fixed – Better display of canceled recurring jobs in dashboard.
  • Fixed – Less overall allocations with using static delegates and struct-based iterators.
  • Fixed – Improve precision of some diagnostic messages in the wait protection logic.
  • Fixed – Make all private and internal classes sealed to improve code consistency.
  • Fixed – Less overall pressure on garbage collector.


  • Changed – Use query template caching based on schema name to avoid excessive string allocations.
  • Changed – Use static callbacks almost anywhere to avoid unnecessary delegate allocations.
  • Changed – Use QuerySingle* or ReadSingle* where possible to avoid allocating lists.
  • Changed – Unify DbCommand and DbParameter creation logic to improve code consistency.

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