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Hangfire 1.8.18

This maintenance release makes behavior of AsyncLocal values in synchronous methods to be the same as in the asynchronous ones, fixes rare CultureInfo-related differences appeared in 1.8.15 version due to caching, and resolves problems with the “Retries” page.

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Hangfire.Pro.Redis 3.1.1

Patch release to fix problems with the Awaiting Jobs page in the Dashboard UI and provide a new implementation for the fault detector component that’s based on LUA script and compatible with the Amazon ElastiCache Serverless for Redis solution.

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Hangfire.Pro.Redis 3.1.0

Hangfire 1.8.16

Patch release with fixed regressions from 1.8.15, safe defaults for the Newtonsoft.Json package when previous versions are used and project-related tunings to speed up the build pipeline.

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Hangfire 1.8.15

Maintenance release with the new AutomaticRetryAttribute.ExceptOn property to skip retries for specific exceptions, improved loopback address detection, fixed localization-related issues, fixed build failure with the build.bat command on first restore and decreased pressure on Garbage Collector.

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